Curiouser and curiouser
- AliceWe know you have questions!
Please look through this list of the questions we are asked most often.
If your question isn't answered here, feel free to contact us!
If you'd prefer the full FAQ in a printable format, you can download it here!
Event FAQ’s
What is Jubilation?
Jubilation is a tri-annual, volunteer-driven, council-sponsored group event. It is the largest girl camping event in Silver Sage Council, where girls and adults camp together and enjoy a weekend of exciting programs, ceremonies, and fun!
When is Jubilation?
June 6-8, 2024
Where is Jubilation held?
Jerome Idaho Fairgrounds near Twin Falls.
Jerome is a central location in Idaho; the fairgrounds can accommodate our large group size in a secure site location keeping our costs to participants low.
Who can Attend Jubilation?
All Registered Girls and Approved Adults Girl Scouts of Silver Sage Council.
How much does it cost to attend Jubilation?
$75.00 for each participant
Additional program costs for Cadette, Senior and Ambassador’s may be charged for higher priced program – but we will have an excellent “no additional charge” option for all levels. Additional costs may be for Axe throwing or White-Water Rafting (or similar option). We do not expect it to be more than $20 but could be as little as $5 additional. We are waiting on final costs from our vendors to finalize costs. Costs will be identified by registration on gsEvents 1/15/2024.
What is the Theme of Jubilation 2024? How was it chosen?
Down The Rabbit Hole
This theme was chosen by the MC’s of 2022 and voted on by the participants at the 2022 event and announces on Sunday at our closing ceremony.
Who can I contact if I have questions that are not answered here?
Do not contact the Girl Scout office if you have questions regarding Jubilation.
The volunteer committee is here to answer your questions.
Do you offer a Saturday only option?
No, we do not have the event staff available to accommodate arrivals and departures outside of the event scheduled times.
All resources are dedicated during program time to provide the program experience participants expect.
For those who normally attend family activities on Sunday – having the event completed by 10 am allows girls and families to adjust their schedule for this one morning. Most Groups are home by early Sunday afternoon for family commitments.
We ask and expect that you respect these times.
Program Activities: Friday at 6 pm until Sunday 10 am.
What is the Journey to Jubilation?
The J2J is a resource to guide you and your girls in preparing for Jubilation.
Is there a limit to how many can attend?
Yes –1200 participant limit.
Guarantee your spot by completing the registration process early.
In case the event limit is reached -
We will ask adults over ratio to not attend so that girls may attend.
Can men attend this event?
Yes – if they are an approved Girl Scout volunteer.
Do Daisies need a parent with them?
Daisies at the event are entering 1st grade, a parent is not required to attend with them. A Daisy troop may participate in an occasional overnight camping experience. Daisies who have completed kindergarten may independently participate at day camp and in resident camp experiences lasting up to three nights. Daisies who have completed first grade may independently participate in resident camp experiences lasting four or more nights.
Readiness is what matters most. Refer to the readiness session of the J2J.
What are the sleeping arrangements?
Please review when making these decisions:
Prepare girls to be away from home by involving them in planning, so they know what to expect. Avoid having men sleep in the same space as girls and women. When parents are staffing events, daughters should remain in quarters with other girls rather than in staff areas.
For privacy and safety reasons - adults either sleep separate from girls or a minimum of 2 adults in a tent.
Sleeping arrangements/decisions are made by Group based on the review of the Safety Guideline.
Tents are next to each other – if problems arise during the night – adults are right there.
Parents are not expected to be sleeping with their girls.
Men sleep in a separate designated area from the Groups.
Women and girls are not allowed to sleep in the men’s sleeping area and men are not allowed to sleep in the group area with women or girls. We do not have family or co-ed camping areas.
TENTS ONLY - No vehicles, trailers or campers are allowed in the camping area.
What happens if it rains or there is bad weather?
Be prepared - Traveling and camping in Idaho is unpredictable – the weather can change, and you must be prepared to adapt to weather conditions.
Program and ceremonies will have backup plans or location.
Some outdoor activities cannot be or will not be moved to an indoor facility. Be prepared.
Event staff is in contact with local authorities and an Emergency Disaster Action Plan is in place and can be implemented if the need arises. Event Staff will keep you informed if an Emergency Disaster Action Plan is implemented.
Can we charge cell phones at the event?
Yes, A cell phone charging area will be provided.
Cell phones can be used at Jubilation by adults or girls (over age 13) with the Jubilation App.
Girls need to focus on program and adults need to be focused on girls.
All parents and Groups will be given a dedicated number prior to the event to contact event staff in case of an emergency at home.
We ask that if you need to receive or make a call from your phone – please do so at the leader retreat area. We do not want phone calls, phone conversations to be a distraction to program. If you receive a call, let it go to voice mail and if you need to return a call– the leader retreat area is the place to be. Please respect other participants.
Yes, A cell phone charging area will be provided.
It is up to your group, girls, and parents if girls over the age of 13 are allowed to bring phones to participate in the App during the event.
Girls and adults that use the Jubilation App should agree to and follow the Online Safety Pledge.
Please note that cell phones are the responsibly of their owner. We accept no liability if lost or damaged.
What is the registration process?
Intent to Attend – www.jubilation-ssc.org or www.girlscouts-ssc.org
opens December 1, 2023, at midnight.
closes April 15, 2024, at midnight.
Estimated Group Size, names of 2 group managers and payment for group managers of $75 each.
BONUS – Register your Intent to in December 2023 and you will be able to pick your camping spot prior to the event.
gsEvents – www.girlscouts-ssc.org
Registration opens January 15, 2024 at midnight
Closes May 11, 2024 at Midnight
In continuous efforts to provide the best possible care to our campers, GSSSC is partnering with CampDoc.com for health history.
Final group registration and payment.
Group Managers will complete the final registration process including:
Arrival time
Intent to Travel
Required Trainings
Final Payment and Program Credits
Closes May 11, 2024, at Midnight.
Program Credits due May 18, 2024.
Safety FAQ’s
How do I calculate appropriate number of adults?
Ratio is based on 3 criteria:
Camping - Because you will be camping with your registered group –see ratio chart for camping.
Traveling to the event – How many drivers will your group need?
Only Approved Volunteers can transport girls to the event.
All drivers must be over the age of 21.
Multi grade level groups will split for grade level program based on grade level in summer of 2024.
One Adult is required to attend program with each of these grade levels:
Girls currently in grades K, 1st and 2nd
Girls currently in grades 3rd and 4th
It is optional to have an adult accompany the girls to program in these grade levels. In fact, we will limit the number of adults attending some of these activities if off site.
Girls currently in grades 5th, 6th and 7th
Girls currently in grades 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th
If you have specific questions, please e-mail info@jubilation-ssc.org
When is the RN available?
The Nurses Health Station is staffed all hour’s day and night.
What about injuries – how are they handled?
Your group’s first aider will need to handle scrapes and minor injuries to their level of comfort.
The RN is available during the entire event for injuries above your group first aiders expertise level.
EMT’s are just a few minutes away.
Where do we go if the weather turns bad?
We have emergency buildings available, and you will be directed to those buildings if a weather emergency arises.
Is First Aid / CPR certification required?
At least one adult in your group will need certified in CPR and First Aid.
Providing current First Aid/CPR documentation is part of the Registration Process. You will upload your current certification to the final registration process.
Are EMT’s onsite?
No – but local EMT’s are aware of our event and are only minutes away.
How are medications handled?
All girls’ medication (unless identified as required to be always on their body, such as an epi-pen) must be given to the leader for transportation to the event.
Parents can authorize self-administration; medication be kept by the Group First Aider at the event.
Self-Administered Medication – “medication that the GIRL is responsible for self-administering”. Leader will hold medication in original bottles but give to girl to administer herself during times designated by the parent. If leaders are NOT comfortable with the self-administered option.
All medications must be listed on the health medical record.
The RN can administer controlled substance drugs. Controlled substances are categorized as Schedule I, II, III, etc. Please note in registration if you require any special requests that will involve the nurse and administering any controlled substance drugs.
Adults can keep their medications with them during the event.
Adults must ensure ALL MEDICATION is locked and not accessible to girls or other adults. Locked could be a zippered backpack or bag with a pad lock or key lock or a locking cash box.
Please assure arrangements have been made for self-administered medication requiring refrigeration. Refrigeration will be available at the nurses’ station.
All medication needs to be kept safe and secure. Person holding medication is responsible to ensure safety of other adults/girls. Medication should be kept under lock and key. Lock and key could be a locking cash box or backpack with a lock on the zipper or other secured location.
The first aider in charge of the groups’ medications.
Adults with medications.
Girls that carry medications.
Nursing staff.
Over the Counter (OTC) medications
We ask that unless taken daily, all OTC medication be left at home.
Nursing Staff will have OTC medication for all participants available.
Parents/Adults will select approved OTC medication during completion of current health history.
The purpose of this request is we do not want 100 bottles of the same medication at the event or expired OTC medication brought from home and costs of each group to purchase all new OTC medications would be too much for each group.
Health Medical Records System (Health History)
See Registration FAQ’s for more information on CampDoc.com and the Health Record System provided by GSSSC.
What happens in a non-medical emergency?
Each group will have access to our Jubilation App system for immediate weather or safety announcements.
If you see an emergency, please contact a staff member who will have a radio for communication to the nurse, business office and camp director.
The Jubilation App will have non-critical announcements for leaders if needed.
If you see a situation that you are uncomfortable with, please report the situation immediately.
How do leaders report an emergency?
Find a staff member, we are in radio communication with the RN/Nurses station.
The Nurse will have an emergency vehicle to come to you for care in the emergency or a staff member can transport to the nurse’s station.
All emergencies or incidents are reported to the Nurses station.
Registration FAQ’s
What are the important registration dates and payments due?
December 1, 2023, Group Manager Registration Opens (Intent to attend).
January 15, 2024, Individual Participant Registration will open on gsEvents.
February 1, 2024, Financial Aid Application, Link available on the Jubilation website.
March 29, 2024, Financial Aid Applications due.
April 17, 2024, Financial Aid Decisions
May 10, 2024, Final Group Registration is due. No refunds or changes after May 10, 2024.
May 10, 2024, Final Group Payment Due.
May 17, 2024, Program Credits Due
May 19, 2024, Invoice to groups that did not turn in program credits.
May 22, 2024, Invoices need paid for all groups attending.
What incentive is given to groups if they complete Intent to Attend in December?
Pick your camping spot! As groups complete the Intent to Attend, you will be on a list in order of date/time to pick your camping spot. Late April, we will start camp site selections.
Those who do not complete the Intent to Attend in December will be assigned camp sites.
Can cookie program credits be used to pay?
Yes, girls can use cookie program credits to pay the event fee and any additional event program fees.
Adults cannot use program credits to pay for their event fees.
Can we pay at the Girl Scout Office?
No - All payments (Credit Card or Debit Card) will need to be made on the Cognito Registration System. The Girl Scout office cannot accept payments at the front desk for Jubilation. If you are having trouble paying, please email info@jubilation-ssc.org for assistance.
Where do I send program credits?
All program credits need to be given to the group manager for submission.
As part of the final registration process, the group managers will enter individual program credits and submit all together by May 17, 2024.
Will financial aid be available?
Yes, a limited amount will be available.
A financial aid application will be available March 1, 2024, on the website.
Applications will be due by March 29, 2024 and decisions will be made by April 19, 2024.
Participant Registration and Health Record System
gsEvents – www.girlscouts-ssc.org / events / Jubilation
Register individual girls and adults attending on gsEvents. This will include any program add-ons for girls’ grade levels, and t-shirt size.
GSSSC is partnering with CampDoc.com. This is an electronic health record system.
CampDoc.com offers online registration and electronic health record systems for camps.
The security, confidentiality and privacy of your camper’s personal health information will always be protected. Only Jubilation health and select staff and group leaders will have access to camper health information.
The CampDoc.com site is secure, encrypted and password protected.
What trainings are required for adults?
One adult attending with your group must complete the home study course – 401-Planning Overnight Trips with Girls.
One adult traveling with your group must have a current certification in First Aid / CPR.
The J2J resource will give you and your girls all the training you need to attend Jubilation.
“Sister” Troop/Groups or Service Units– Can we register and camp together?
Yes, if traveling together –
You will need to register, travel, arrive, depart and camp together as a group. Its best when multiple troops sign up together that one leader from each troop is registered as a Group Managers. This will ensure communication is provided to all troops.
Yes, if traveling separate –
and you want to camp by a sister group, that will be available at final registration. One sister group can be selected to camp nearby. We will do our best to place you by your sister group.
Can an adult leave site to get forgotten or missed supplies?
Yes – but we ask that you check out and back in at the Business Office.
You might check with a neighbor and see if an item you forgot can be borrowed. This is a great way to get to know your neighbors.
Special Needs – Requests for power or close to bathrooms?
Yes – we look at all special needs and can adapt to make this event happen for you.
If you have girls with special needs, we have a program committee member to make the event happen and adapt program or your individual needs.
Please specify your special needs requests during your registration. We will contact you directly if we need to discuss further to understand your needs. You may also email us info@jubilation-ssc.org.
Do we need to purchase Girl Scout Plan 3 Insurance?
No additional Insurance is needed. It is not required for each group to purchase any additional insurance.
Overview of Registration Process
Intent to Attend:
Group Manager completes.
Estimate of girls / adults attending.
Group Name – be creative and let the girls choose.
Troop numbers in your group.
Program FAQ’s
What types of program activities are being planned?
Program activities are planned for grade level appropriate activities.
The program committee is making the event program activities special for all grade levels.
Some activities we are looking at: STEM Fun, Art Activities (STEAM), CSI Challenges, White Water Rafting, Axe Throwing, Climbing, Swimming, Dance Party, Mad Hatters Tea, Un-Birthday Party, Alice in Wonderland Escape Room, Star Gazing, Science, Life Size Games. Exciting activities for girls at every grade level! – Please note these are not finalized and may change. Only 5th – 12th grade levels leave site for optional program opportunities.
Can Adults participate in Program Activities?
Adults attend Jubilation as supervisors; their roles are to ensure their girls are supervised, fed and are at program activities on time.
Program activities are designed for 1st – 12th grade. No adult program is provided.
Program supplies are for girls.
If adults take supplies designated for girl’s program activity –girls may not be able to participate.
Adults can participate in activities that do not require supplies (dancing, singing, swaps, games, etc.).
We have enough adults to supervise our girls – can I assist with program during the event?
Yes, we do need assistance to provide the quality program for the girls.
During the registration process – you will be able to request to volunteer during program at Jubilation.
Will there be girl M.C.’s this year?
Yes, Jubilation is a girl event, and we will be utilizing M.C.’s this year.
My girls are currently in 12th grade – can they attend Jubilation?
Yes, Girls currently in the 12th grade can attend jubilation as a girl or they may attend Jubilation as a volunteer staff member.
If attending as an adult – they will not be able to participate in program designated for girls.
If your girls have questions – please email us at info@jubilation-ssc.org
Can our Group participate together during program?
Program is developed by grade level. So, this answer depends on what grade level your girls are.
You will attend ceremonies, Friday and Saturday evening program, camp and eat as a Group but if you have multiple grade levels, the group will split for grade level program.
Grade levels for program activities are:
Girls currently in grades K, 1st, and 2nd (summer 2024 grade level of 1st, 2nd and 3rd)
Girls currently in grades 3rd, and 4th (summer 2024 grade level of 4th and 5th)
Girls currently in grades 5th, 6th, and 7th (summer 2024 grade level of 6th, 7th and 8th)
Girls currently in grades 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th (summer 2024 grade level of 9th - 12th / Adult)
If you have just 1 or 2 girls in a different grade level – our recommendation is to find a sister Group in your area or SU that can assist you in finding girls to connect with in the correct grade. Maybe even meet them before Jubilation and make a new friend.
The Jubilation App will help in meeting other groups prior to the event.
Will you limit the number of adults attending off-site program with older girls?
Yes, we understand that you may want to attend, but to keep the costs to girls affordable we must limit supervising adults.
Adults/girl ratio for program will be ensured.
We will have other options for those leaders available at the event.
Special Needs Requests?
If you have girls with special needs, we have a program committee member to make the event happen and adapt program based on your individual needs.
Please ensure you mark and specify your special needs on your registration. We will contact you if we have questions about the requests.
Facilities FAQ’s
Can men sleep in the camping area?
Men can attend Jubilation. But they will have a separate sleeping area within the camp away from girls and women.
Can I bring my trailer/Camper?
No. Tent camping only. No vehicles, trailers or campers are allowed in the camping area.
Are there showers?
YES and NO (well ... kind of), showers are not available for everyone. There are some showers onsite, but not enough for up to 1200 people. We do not encourage the use of the showers except in emergency.
Are there flush toilets?
Yes, there are flush toilets – additional port-a-potties will be in the program and camping areas.
Is there power in our camping area?
Yes, power is available for use in the camping area if requested during final registration with medical needs like CPAP or a similar need.
Is there water available?
Yes – there is water available for drinking, cooking, and cleaning. You will need to bring something to carry water to your camp.
Can I bring an Easy-Up / Canopy?
Yes – there will be space available for one at your camp site.
Remember to bring good stakes to ensure they stay grounded.
An Easy-up is a great place to hold your group flag!
I have a large 12-person tent – will the space provided for to hold this size of tent?
Yes – you will have enough space for this size of tent.
I want to camp next to my other daughter’s Group – can we camp next to specific troop or group?
Yes, 2 ways – attend as a group or on your final registration mark that you would like to camp near a sister group and we can do our best to accommodate.
Can we leave early? Arrive late? Parent drop off?
A complete arrival and departure plan will be given to Groups in the spring.
Arrival times will be between 11-12(early bird), 12 – 2, 2 – 4 and 4 – 6 or 6 – 7(late arrival). Groups will get to request their preferred timeslot during final registration.
Late arrivals will only be accepted until 7pm Friday evening.
Once you arrive, you will need time to set up all equipment, fix and eat dinner as program activities start at 7pm Friday evening.
Departure will begin at 10:00 am after the Event Closing Ceremony on Sunday.
Groups must arrive and depart together during the designated time.
We cannot accommodate drop off or pick up of single girls. Please plan on your group arriving together.
Some emergency situations do require a girl, adult, or Group to leave early or arrive late. We will have emergency procedures if an emergency arises.
Is there smoking allowed?
There is NO smoking on the rented property. A designated smoking area will be provided away from girls. Please ensure adult/girl ratio is enforced while away.
Is there a place for a leader to take a break?
Yes, we will provide an ADULT ONLY Leader Retreat area for you to step away for a break.
What will be provided at the leader retreat area?
Coffee and Tea and snacks will be provided during the day.
Power outlets for cell phone charging.
Is Ice available for purchase once we arrive?
Yes, please let our office know and we will make ice runs as needed once a day. Please bring cash to pay for the ice. We will let you know the price prior to the event.
Volunteer FAQ’s
Can I volunteer to be on a planning committee?
Most committees were filled but we are looking for specific skills needed for some committees. If you have time to commit and would like to interview for a planning committee volunteer position. Please Email us.
I will be volunteering at the event – what types of jobs are available?
RN and Nurses Scribes.
Grade Level Program set up and assistants to program volunteers.
Assisting with Groups arriving and departing.
Other jobs will be identified.
Do volunteers have to pay the event fee?
Yes –All adult volunteers attending Jubilation pay an event fee.
Adult volunteers on a planning committee have a reduced fee for the event. But the time commitment to these committees is 1-2 years planning. They also cannot camp or attend the event activities with their girls or Groups. They are dedicated volunteer staff for the entire event, including both in planning before the event and volunteer activities during the event.
Steering Committee Volunteers (Event Director and Committee Directors) do not pay an event fee as their time commitment is 2+ years of planning prior and 6 months after the event.
How much time will it take to complete the J2J? Is there a J2J patch?
There are 12 Sessions and by working on the basic level of activity may only take your group 8 hours to complete.
Make Your Dreams Possible – J2J is for both experienced and new Groups depending on the level of activity your group needs to prepare.
We strongly recommend your group complete the J2J with your girls so that you and your group are fully prepared to get the most out of Jubilation. Part of the activities includes making items to bring with you to Jubilation.
Completing the J2J will earn your group participants an event J2J Patch that will be a add on to your event patch.
Is there specific Jubilation training to help me –this will be my first Jubilation?
Yes –Please check the Jubilation Website for Q and A Zoom Call dates, times and topics, utilize the Jubilation App and watch for the 10-week countdown.
If we have enough interest in specific areas or service units, please contact us and we are more than happy to come to you for a training or answer questions.
Jubilation Web Site and App FAQ’s
I hear there will be a Jubilation App – What will this be?
Available after you complete your gsEvents Registration.
Guidebook App is available at the store and free. Only those registered will have access to our app.
Leading up to Jubilation - Adults and older girls will use the App to post planning and preparation activities.
Pictures of meetings, meal planning, making your flag and making SWAPS.
Showing your excitement!
Connecting with groups and adults before arriving.
Get to know your neighbors for the weekend.
Advice from leaders and girls who have been before.
During Jubilation, the app will have schedules, reminders, and emergency information at your fingertips.
Girls over the age of 13 (with a email address) are allowed to download the app with group leader and parent approval.
Please review and abide by the Internet Safety Pledge
Girl Scout’s best behavior is expected while using the Jubilation App.
Can Girls have the App and bring phones to Jubilation?
Yes if girls are over the age of 13 they can download the app.
It is up to your group, parents and leaders if girls are allowed to bring phones to Jubilation.
Girls would be responsible for their own equipment. Jubilation staff, girls and adults at Jubilation are not responsible for lost or damaged phones or equipment.
What is the Jubilation website address? What is on the site?
All information pertaining to the event will be on the website.
J2J – Journey to Jubilation.
Jubilation Tour – A history of Jubilation.
Event FAQ’s
Registration Links and Information
10 Week Countdown
Important Dates to remember.
Girl Planning FAQ’s
Who is deciding program activities for girls?
Jubilation is a girl event and for this event we are utilizing the Jubilation MCs for girl planning of program along with a dedicated Program Volunteer Committee.
This dedicated group of girls is also responsible for the event theme, patch design, t-shirt design, Talent Show and working on the FUN Committee handing out special event awards.
Will there be girl MC’s (Mistresses of Ceremonies) this year?
Yes, Jubilation is a girl event, and we utilize girls in our ceremonies and planning.
What grades can apply to be a MC? When can they apply?
Girls currently in 10th – 12th grade apply to be a MC.
NOTE: Girl MC’s application closed in September 2023 - All the MC girls have been chosen for 2024.
What is the girl MC’s responsible for during Jubilation?
MCs are responsible for planning event ceremonies, event announcements during the event, assisting with group arrival/departure and helping with opening and closing activities.
How many girls are accepted to be MC’s?
We have 18 MC’s working to make this event the best for your girls.
You will be meeting them along the way on the Jubilation App and on the website.
How do we involve our girls in planning for Jubilation?
We strongly recommend the J2J as the resource to guide for you and your girls in preparing and planning for Jubilation.
Let the girls choose a group name. Let them be creative.